Renato Ferrari
Obras en Exposición
Life is a preexisting whole, and the reality of everyday life is but a minuscule fragment of that whole. Despite that, the human being, for its most part, lacks sufficient lucidity to grasp it. Pressured by the concerns of corporeal survival, for most of his life, he lacks the means and conditions to understand oneself.
I am an artist imbued with the incorporeal considerations of the human being, and over time, I have developed the constitution of an amphibian – able to delve into the depths of our perceived realities, as well as soar to the ethereal strata of as-yet-unverified realities. Thus, my visual work is nearly always a clear – yet subjective – reflection of these incursions through the countless moments of existence. A pursuit of self-knowledge, in principle, but which leads me to address the incorporeal needs of the human being.
My works have symbolic significance which, paired with refined pictorial technique, aim to leave a powerful impression on the viewer, for the energy which permeates the paintings speaks directly to the intimate cravings, desires and needs of every human being, stored away in internal compartments, either unbeknownst or inaccessible to them.
Therein lies the importance of the work of the artist, as a catalyst leading to a person’s enlightenment, awareness, understanding and, consequently, moral development.
Art in and of itself does not have the power to change people or the world, but it has key elements to contribute to mankind’s development, for art is, first and foremost, unquestionably a divine trait.
Renato Ferrari was born in 1954 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1973, Ferrari made his way to Washington, DC in the United States, and studied drawing and painting for the following two and a half years at Montgomery College in Maryland. Upon returning to Brazil in 1976, he continued his studies and received his BFA from the UFRJ’s Escola de Belas Artes. In 1985, Ferrari returned to Baltimore, MD in the US, where he received his MFA from MICA’s Hoffberger School of Painting.
Renato has dedicated himself to painting full-time since 1987, and in 1997, he opened Rio de Janeiro’s first school for realistic art.
Academic Studies:
1974-75 Montgomery College, Maryland, USA- Drawing and painting.
1976-80 Escola de Belas artes, UFRJ, Bachelor in painting.
1985-87 Maryland Institute, Hoffberger School of Painting, Maryland, USA, Master of Fine art.
Jornal do comercio - revista de domingo-JB.
Jornal casa Foa (Buenos Aires) - revista casa cor Julio Louzada
Revista Ventura
Revista Zupi Design
Solo and Group shows:
1977 Palácio da Cultura de Petrópolis,RJ 1978 Galeria de Arte EBA-7,UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro Galeria do TTC, Rio de Janeiro Galeria Palácio de Cultura de Petrópolis, RJ 1979 Galeria Biblioteca Regional de Copacabana, RJ 1980 Galeria de arte Matisse, Rio de janeiro 1981 Galeria de Arte Estampa, Rio de janeiro Andrea Sigaud Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro 1982 Dezon Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro 1983 Dezon Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro 1984 Fundação Atilla Taborda, Bagé, RS Galeria Paulo Figueiredo, Brasília, DF 1985 Galeria Paulo Figueiredo, Brasília, DF 1986 Decker Gallery, Maryland, USA Artscape-86, Maryland, USA 1987 Graduate Thesis Gallery, Maryland, USA 1988 Performance Galeria de Arte, Brasília, DF Performance Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro Galeria André, São Paulo 1989 Antiqua-89, Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro Galeria André, SP Galeria Art-com, Campo Grande, MS Performance Galeria de Arte, Brasília e Rio de Janeiro 1992 Casa FOA, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1993 Espaço Chagall, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1994 Iate Clube Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro Galeria de arte Casa do Brasil, Madri, Espanha Galeria Lygia Jafet, São Paulo 1996 Sociarte, São Paulo Spazio B Gallery, Flórida, USA 1997 Caribe Galeria de Arte, São paulo Choice Gallery, São paulo Votre Gallerie, rio de Janeiro Sociarte, São paulo 1998 Sociarte, São paulo Artmosphere Gallery, Flórida, USA 1999 Atelier Ferrari - Escola Realista de Arte 2000 Feira Hebraica, São paulo 2001 Casa Cor, Rio de Janeiro Galeria arte Forúm, Amaerj, Rio de Janeiro 2002 Casa Cor, Rio de janeiro 2003 Galeria TNT, Rio de Janeiro 2004 Mercedes Viegas, Galeria de arte, RJ Votre Gallerie, RJ 2007 Galeria de Arte, Solo Sagrado, Guarapiranga 2009 Citta América Gallery, Rio de Janeiro 2010 Galeria Fundição progresso, Rio de Janeiro 2011 Galeria Claudia Spinola, Rio de janeiro 2016 SOMA, antiga fábrica da Bhering, Rio de Janeiro. 2016 Figurativas en Red, virtual gallery of the Museo Europeo de Arte Moderno, Barcelona, Spain.